Sunday, February 19, 2012

INFOdesk for 02-19-12

Support our student mission trips and participate in the Global 5K Race on Saturday, Mar 10 for just $25 per runner/walker. Children 10 years of age and under can register for our 1K Fun Run for $15 per child. Register at the INFOdesk or at If you would like to help sponsor the race, visit the INFOdesk for a sponsor form.

Bay Life Kids has three volunteer opportunities on Saturday night and multiple openings on Sundays. We’re also looking for substitute workers for our services. If you want to make a difference in kids’ lives around here, email us or check in at INFOdesk.

We want to help you in your faith journey. Our Life Steps session is designed to teach you more about effective Bible study methods and about the foundations of the Christian faith. Also, Connect to Serve is a study designed to help you determine how God has created you for serving. Both of these classes begin Tuesday, Mar 6 at 7 pm and run for eight weeks. Register at or visit the Life Group Center.

Need a date night? Parent’s Night Out is for you! For a suggested donation of $10 per child, or $35 for four or more, you can have an evening out on Friday, Mar 16 from 6 to 9:30 pm. Register by 3 pm on Mar 14 at the INFOdesk. Proceeds benefit Bay Life summer mission trips.

Need to find a Life Group? 
Registration is still open but closes on Feb 26. Register online at
Get connected - you’ll be glad you did!
For more, visit Life Groups at

Our next baptism services are Mar 31 & April 1. Register at the INFOdesk and attend the required pre-baptism meeting after one of our services on Mar 17 or 18. Meet us at the fountain on the courtyard.

Want to know how you can be involved in our community? Log on to Opportunities for service are listed daily.

Also at the
Feb 19 Welcome Lunch | 1 pm in the Lobby
Feb 28   Prayer Night | 7pm in the Student Center
Mar  3   Paintball | 8 am in the North Parking Lot
Mar 17 Pre-baptism Meeting | after service at the INFOdesk
Mar 18 Pre-baptism Meeting | after service at the Fountain
Mar 11-18 Spring Break Week | no Life Groups on campus
Mar 25 Feed the Bay | details coming soon
For more, visit the INFOdesk at

Giving is a Bay Life value and an important part of our worship. Use the easy, online giving option.
Rec’d Feb 5 $57,031 • YTD Rec’d $316,986 • Budget YTD ($52,000 x 6) $312,000