Sunday, March 11, 2012

INFOdesk for 03-11-12

Feed the Bay 2012
Each day, hundreds of families in the Bay Area and surrounding communities don’t have enough food to eat. Tonight, thousands of children are going to bed hungry – YOU can make a difference! Help during Feed the Bay, Mar 24-25. TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE! Go to for more information. Feed the Bay t-shirts and bags are on sale at the INFOdesk today.

Bay Life Worship Arts is looking for experienced brass and woodwind players for our Spring Musical on May 6. Check in at the INFOdesk to schedule an audition.

Need a date night? Parent’s Night Out is for you! For a suggested donation of $10 per child, or $35 for four or more, you can have an evening out on Friday, Mar 16 from 6 to 9:30 pm. Register by 3 pm on Mar 14 at the INFOdesk. Proceeds benefit Bay Life summer mission trips.

Join us for a Father/Daughter Dance on Friday, Mar 23 at 7 pm with food, a live DJ and an evening of fun and dancing with your little, or not so little, princess. Admission is $20 per father/daughter couple & $3 for each additional daughter. Proceeds benefit the Impact mission trip to Peru. Get tickets at the INFOdesk.

Kidapalooza tryouts for elementary through teens will be held on Apr 15 at 2 pm. Must be able to read fluently.

Our next baptism services are Mar 31 & Apr 1. Register at the INFOdesk and attend the required pre-baptism meeting after one of our services on Mar 17 or 18. Meet us at the fountain on the courtyard.

Our Spring Semester is off to a great start! We’re so excited that so many of you have connected in a Life Group!

Registration is now closed but if you didn’t connect in one of our groups, we’d love to talk to you at the Life Group Center about a few last chance opportunities still available.

Did you Know?
This year, our garden has produced 460 lbs of fresh produce for the hungry in our area!

With spring planting just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to serve in the Bay Life Community Garden. We currently have four garden plots for rent. Come grow with us. Visit the INFOdesk for details.

Also at the
Mar 11   Blood Pressure Screening | between services in the Cry Room
Mar 17   Pre-baptism Meeting | after service at the INFOdesk
Mar 18 Welcome Lunch | 12:30 in the Lobby
Pre-baptism Meeting | after service at the Fountain
Mar 19 Breast Cancer Support Group | 7 pm in Room 604
Mar 11-18 Spring Break Week | no adult Life Groups on campus
Mar 25 Feed the Bay | t-shirts and bags on sale today
Mar 27 Prayer Night | 7 pm in the Student Center
For more, visit the INFOdesk at

Giving is a Bay Life value and an important part of our worship. Use the easy, online giving option at
Rec’d Feb 26 $47,255 • YTD Rec’d $439,972 • Budget YTD ($52,000 x 9) $468,000