Sunday, April 15, 2012

INFOdesk for 04-15-12

Thank You Bay Life! 
Thank you Bay Life Church family for your incredible support of Feed the Bay 2012! Over 180,000 pounds of food was distributed to charitable food banks in the Bay Area. Your compassion for those with needs was evident as you gave of your time, talents and gifts and helped “Feed the Bay”.
- Mark Saunders, Pastor

Students, join us for Revolve One Day on Apr 21, from 9-5 pm. This one-day discipleship conference for middle and high school students will focus on everyday tools for your walk with Christ. Registration is $10 at the INFOdesk and lunch is provided.

Looking for a bargain? Shop at the Bay Life Missions Garage Sale, May 5 from 6 am - 12 pm. All proceeds support our summer mission trips. If you’d like to provide items for the sale, drop by the Family Ministry Center today so that we can connect you with a student seller.

Ladies, our annual Scrapbook and Crop for Missions event is on May 11 & 12. There are two sessions, Friday - 6:30 -11 pm for $25 & Saturday - 9 am - 3 pm for $30. Register for both and save $10. We’ll have food, goody bags, make it/take it projects and tons of fun. Register and get more info at the INFOdesk. Proceeds benefit Bay Life summer mission trips.

Need a date night? Parent’s Night Out is for you! For a suggested donation of $10 per child, or $35 for four or more, you can have an evening out on Friday, May 18 from 6 to 9:30 pm. Register by 3 pm on May 16 at the INFOdesk. Proceeds benefit Bay Life summer mission trips. This will be the last Parent’s Night Out of the season.

Need to find a Life Group? 
We’re so excited that so many of you have connected in a Life Group!
If you still need to connect, we’d love to talk to you at the Life Group Center about studies that are open to new members throughout the semester.

Did you Know?
Your neighbors need you! I Am Hope Café offers a hot meal and kind conversation, four nights a week. Volunteer positions are available. Go to the INFOdesk for details.

Also at the
Apr 15 Kids First Step Class | 10 am in the Student Center
Apr 16 Breast Cancer Support Group | 7 pm in Room 604
Apr 22 Life Group Bonus Training | 6:30 pm in the Student Center
Apr 24   Prayer Night | 7 pm in the Student Center
For more, visit the INFOdesk at

Giving is a Bay Life value and an important part of our worship.
 Use the easy, online giving option at
Rec’d Apr 1 $56,925 • YTD Rec’d $759,925 • Budget YTD ($52,000 x 13) $728,000